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This is hindered by the features of aurogra pills. Ligamentous structures formed by connective tissue fibers strengthen the esophageal diaphragmatic opening. It is also supported by adipose tissue, which is located directly under the diaphragmatic septum. Moving part of the stomach, esophagus, and even intestinal loops into the chest cavity is called hiatal hernia. Of particular difficulty is the diagnosis of this disease, since its symptoms are very similar to buy aurogra online of cholecystitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers. The patient can treat these diseases for a long time, not knowing that he has a hernia of the esophagus.

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Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm (HH, hiatal hernia, colloquially - hernia of the diaphragm, esophagus) is a chronic gastroenterological disease in which there is an expansion of the diaphragmatic esophageal opening and a subsequent displacement towards the chest cavity of the lower (abdominal) esophagus or upper (fundal) section of the stomach. With the development of the disease in the opening of the diaphragm adjacent to the esophagus, there are expansions of different sizes (hernial orifice), under certain conditions, passing part of the esophagus or stomach inside. The main causes of the appearance of a hernia are. increased pressure inside the peritoneum, dysmotility of the digestive canal in its esophageal part, as well as weakening of the connective tissue ligaments.

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Based on these reasons, the development of HH is more typical for the elderly due to ongoing degenerative (involutional) changes in the tissues of the diaphragm and ligaments of the stomach and esophagus. This assumption is confirmed by the frequent presence of other hernias in patients with HH (inguinal, femoral, etc.). Predisposed to the appearance of hiatal hernias are people with the following chronic diseases that affect the connective tissue. Among the risk factors associated with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, there are. Hiatal hernia, formed due to order aurogra of the digestive tract, may be accompanied by the following conditions. Ulcers of the esophagus and fundus of the stomach, sometimes - the duodenum. Burns of the esophagus and stomach. Reflux esophagitis. Congenital shortening of the esophagus. Chronic diseases of the spleen, pancreas.

In children, HH is a rare occurrence, in most cases associated with a congenital defect in the structure of the digestive tract or diaphragm (mediastinum). Comparative characteristics of the most common hernias of the food opening of the diaphragm. Labile penetration of the entire abdominal organ or part of it into the food opening of the diaphragm. Happens. esophageal (displacement of the abdominal part of the esophagus), cardiac (displacement of the esophagus, cardia of the stomach), cardio-fundal (displacement of the esophagus, cardia and fundus of the stomach). An axial hernia is considered a false hernia because there is no hernial sac. Paraesophageal is a fixed displacement of the entire stomach or part of it through the food opening of sildenafil pills next towith the esophagus. Happens. antral (displacement of the end part of the stomach) and fundic (displacement of the fundus of the stomach). It is considered a true hernia (hernial sac is present) with a risk of strangulation.